The assignment is to re-create the popular board game battleship game using JavaScript.
Learn about the game and what the rules are here:
All the code the functions that are needed are outlined in the JS-file. No need to add more unless you want to. Read the comments in the code carefully.
Step 1: Get started by reading through the battleship.js file. All that you need to solve the assignment is described in comments
Step 2: Use the for-loops defined in the code to generate a grid.
References for the methods in JS that are needed for this step:
Step 3: Attach event-listeners to each square in the grid and trigger the guess() function on click
Step 4: Add the logic that's needed for the game to be playable
Step 5: Play! Make sure you can win
A player should be able to sink all the ships, look in the js-file for the ship positions to make this easier to test.
BONUS tasks (optional):
Add graphics, animation
Add support for randomizing the grid
Add support for resetting the game without having to reload the webpage
Add support for multiplayer
Last updated
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